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for Ways to Keep

Watauga Air, Water and People Free of Environmental



High Country W.A.T.C.H (Wataugans Against Toxins Close to Home) is a group of self organizing concerned citizens who oppose construction of high impact pollution producers.  We are your neighbors and friends in the Boone area and we urge you to join us!


We are a local non-profit chapter of BREDL- Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League.


Read more about who we are and what we are doing..

High Country Watch would like to sincerely thank those who have generously donated funds. We have raised & spent over $50,000.00 in legal fees in the past four years to fight polluting industries that threaten our beautiful, clean mountain air and water.


Donate securely online at:


Send checks by mail to:

High Country Watch

P.O. BOX 406 Deep Gap, NC 28618


(We are a non-profit chapter of BREDL)

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April 2019

UPDATE: See 4/16/19 article from Watauaga Democrat

Attend a public demonstration/protest rally and WEAR GREEN.

Come to the Watauga Courthouse, 814 W. King St. on April 16 at 4:30 immediately prior to the County Commissioners’ 5:30 meeting. The public is encouraged to attend the demonstration & lend support to commissioners as they seek a solution. You can speak during the public comment at the meeting and write the County Commissioners.


A group of concerned citizens, environmental groups and affected property owners gathered to discuss options following the recent Supreme Court ruling that seems to give permission for Radford Quarries to move forward with plans for an asphalt plant on Rainbow Trail in the middle of a neighborhood and perilously near several schools, which stand less than one mile from the proposed site including Hardin Park Elementary, Grace Academy, Boone United Methodist Preschool.  This high impact facility would be literally in the front and back yards of families who will see property values fall and their health compromised by tons of toxic emissions. ASU and downtown Boone will also be within the two-mile toxic fall out zone for excessive amounts of heavy toxins and air pollutants. Traffic issues on Hwy 194 are also imminent concerns, along with the water pollution threat to the ASU water intake and a multitude of streams flowing into the South Fork of the New River.


In addition to the immediate issues with the Radford Rainbow Trail asphalt plant and the proposed Maymead plant on the Doc & Merle Watson Scenic By-way (Hwy 421) in Deep Gap, it is clear that the County Commissioners must implement a firm and swift approach to limiting high impact development in Watauga County. The citizens of Watauga County have the right to expect and demand protections for their health, their kids’ health and their homes and our local environment’s beautiful mountains & streams. Our government officials need to hear our voices and ensure these protections by whatever means possible. So, what can you do? Let your voice be heard!


Write your County Commissioners and attend the April 16th 4:30pm rally!


John Welch

Billy Kennedy

Charlie Wallin

Larry Turnbow

Perry Yates


High Country WATCH (Wataugans Against Toxins Close to Home) a non- profit citizens’ group dedicated to environmental protection and responsible development.

Join us at:

Help Us Raise Funds to Stop the Rainbow Trail & Deep Gap  Asphalt Plant the Fight Continues Because...

Asphalt plants mix aggregate with petroleum products to make asphalt.  The process releases tons of toxic chemicals into the air each year, including volatile organic compounds, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and very fine condensed particulates (soot and even heavy metals) Many or these are highly toxic and/or known carcinogens, e.g. benzene, formaldehyde, hydrogen sulfide, mercury, and cadmium. Adverse health effects increase with long-term exposure. Citizens with asthma and other respiratory ailments will suffer most.  Asphalt emissions significantly degrade air quality, but also degrade the water quality of our beautiful rivers,

.streams and creeks


The proposed Maymead asphalt plant could significantly decrease property values for local homeowners. A study by the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League (BREDL) that looked at property prices before and after the Maymead Asphalt plant was built in Avery County revealed homeowners suffered an average drop of 27% in property values as assessed by the county.

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